Celebrate World Water Day with your children

Yesterday we celebrated the International Day of Forests and today marks a date that also claims a better environment. Water is life, gives life and saves lives. That's why we can celebrate World Water Day with children, so that they know its value and importance.

Because water is not only important for having forests, a nature that allows the water cycle to run its course and provide us with food and drink, for example, something that in many countries is not so easy. Inaccessible water, lack of water or contaminated water can bring many problems to babies and children in developing countries.

In addition, water is also important for hygiene, and washing your hands with water in good condition saves lives. For all this, it is important that from our position we do our best not to waste water, an essential good and that is not infinite if we do not take care of our Planet.

Water is essential for the well-being of people and the planet, and is necessary for health, food security and economic progress. This year, the message of the Secretary General in the World Water Day Emphasizes water scarcity in the world and the problems of climate change:

One in three people lives in a country with water shortages between moderate and high, and it is possible that by 2030 the shortage affects almost half of the world's population, as demand could exceed supply by 40%. There is increasing competition between farmers and ranchers; between the industrial and agricultural sector; between the city and the countryside; between the upper and lower hydrological basins; and among those who live on either side of the borders. Climate change and the needs of the population, which continues to grow and prosper, mean that we must work together to protect and manage this fragile and limited resource.

There are children in the world who do not have faucets for drinking or washing. 783 million people do not have access to drinking water in the world. These people have to travel kilometers to get water. And many children fall ill because they drink contaminated water.

On the occasion of this day, UNICEF recalls that worldwide, 2,000 children under the age of five die every day from diarrheal diseases. Most, about 1,800 deaths, are related to lack of adequate water, sanitation and hygiene. We have already told you that contaminated water causes millions of infant deaths per year.

Water Day for Children

And what can we do from here? Should we remain passive? Isn't this a problem that concerns us all? What can our children do on World Water Day? Well, as simple as talking about the subject.

Today I remember a story that I often return with my daughters, "The Earth has leaked", because far from "serious" messages like the previous one, they understand a language that is closer to them and that we can all do to them arrive on a day like today, through our words, stories or drawings.

We can also see this website for children about the responsible use of water, or learn to save water in a fun way with Fluvi. Another idea is to tell your children or, better, see with them, the fabulous movie "Kirikú".

Be that as it may, our children must learn to respect nature and know the value of water. Turn off the tap, do not use the tank when it is not necessary, make the most of the water, without wasting it in the shower. Y Every day we will remember World Water Day.

Official Site | UN On Babies and more | Decalogue for children who care for the environment, International Earth Day: children will take care of our planet, March 22, International Water Day

Video: World Water Day Celebrations. Save The Children (July 2024).