World Rare Disease Day: removing borders from isolation

Today, February 28, is celebrated in more than 60 countries on World Rare Disease Day under the slogan "Rare Diseases without Borders", designed to raise awareness about the situation of people affected with uncommon diseases, many of them children.

It is believed that there are between 5 thousand and 8 thousand rare diseases and affect less than five people per 10,000 inhabitants, that is, a very low incidence. Being a minority, it is not given the attention they deserve, let alone now in times of cuts on all sides.

The motto of 2013 has a double meaning, on the one hand eliminating borders seeking an international unit to fight globally, while on the other, that of tear down the borders of isolation affected people suffer.

Therefore, we want to remember this day to claim the right of people suffering from a rare disease and that of their families to receive special treatment, because they cannot be put in the same bag of common diseases.

There are very serious chronic diseases among them, debilitating, most of genetic origin, and the worst thing is that being many of them unknown, they are little investigated.

From ERDF, on behalf of families with rare diseases and within the framework of World Day, the implementation of the 13 priority proposals for 2013, among them that those affected by rare diseases are exempted from the copayment.

Do not miss the beautiful video made to commemorate this day, it is worth it.

Video: Exploring A Secret Deep Underwater Cave - Deadly Predator Hunting - Green Hell Gameplay (May 2024).