Are we engaged in the use of mobile phones in Spain?

In May 2012, CPP carried out in the University City of Madrid a psychological control to measure the level of dependence of university students and raise awareness about a more responsible use of the telephone.

Also in collaboration with the addiction expert psychologist, José Antonio Molina del Peral, a nationwide survey of uses and habits was conducted and then carried out this experiment. Both the results of the survey and those of the experiment are included in the final report: Hooked on Mobile which can be seen below.

The study has been carried out by CPP who has analyzed that the mobile, being a fantastic tool to communicate, also has the ability to give us freedom or slavery. And it also has the negative consequence that running out of it worries us a lot.

Some results of the survey are amazing:

  • 33% of the population always takes it to the bathroom
  • 66% leave it on in the car
  • 80% do not take off from him to eat
  • 75% do not disconnect in an intimate moment with their partner

The analysis was designed together with the psychologist Molina del Peral to detect if there is addiction evaluating variables such as tolerance, loss of control, interference in aspects of daily life and abstinence. Most admitted using the mobile for everything (68%), having it on 24 hours a day (78%), not being able to spend more than half an hour without looking at it (61%), ending up spending more time with it than they had planned ( 78%) and consider it something absolutely essential (60%). Despite this, only 16% admitted that they interfered in aspects of their daily lives and that they ended up disregarding their obligations or their relationships with friends or family, which contrasts with the omnipresence of the mobile declared by young people.

CPP has conducted this survey to also evaluate the effects of suffering a robbery, a loss or an accident with the mobile. And it is that these devices are increasingly expensive and store very sensitive user information. Thus, the report warns about the risk of fraud if you suffer a theft of personal data from your mobile.

I think so, that yes we are hooked to the mobile or at least to pots that allow us to access the Internet. And it is increasingly common to find online information, services or products that help us in our day to day as well as being an essential way to share our experiences with friends or family. In any case, it is advisable to review the addiction and occasionally look up from the screen and keep track of reality.

Video: Jan Chipchase : The anthropology of mobile phones English sub Spanish (June 2024).