Highlights in Babies and more: from May 7 to 13

Today as every Monday we return with the summary of Babies highlights and more, those topics that have interested you most during the last seven days.

We start with a controversial issue that we raised, that of whether a mother is better than one who raises with attachment, in line with the sounded cover of Time magazine that we also told you, in which a mother is seen breastfeeding her son's three years.

He has also returned to our pages the television program on "Baby boom" births and a birth that turns into a nightmare, and we have started a series of posts about postpartum depression that begins by talking about what it is and how to recognize it.

As always we like to share interesting videos with our readers, and we have brought the images of the Buenafuente program that shows what would happen if we treated adults as children and another video on how to teach a child to read.

Following our review of the best children's films this week has been the turn of The Cat, The Iron Giant and Finding Nemo.

We have reviewed the ten reasons why it is recommended to take children in their arms, and in times of communions we have told you that there are children who convince their parents to take communion.

Armando brings us in In orange the tips on how to save when buying childcare items to transport the baby, very useful in any situation but especially in these times.

Finally, we remind you that you can answer the question of the week In our Answers section, this week related to Mother's Day, celebrated in several countries in May:

What was your gift on Mother's Day?

We hope that this compilation of posts from the last days has been interesting for you. We will continue working to bring the most attractive, fun and useful content to the blog, and next week we will summarize them in a new selection of Highlights of Babies and More So you don't miss anything.

Video: 7-Year-Old Football PRODIGY. Blaze The Great Highlights (July 2024).