Alcohol causes early and irreversible damage to the fetus, even before fertilization

Numerous studies speak of the harmful effects of alcohol during pregnancy, but new research conducted by Argentine researchers goes further. States that alcohol causes early and irreversible damage to the fetus, even before fertilization.

It should be clarified that the study has been carried out with rats, and although the results cannot be extrapolated to people, they should not be ignored either, since the embryonic and placental development of the mice is homologous to humans.

The research focuses on the perigestational period, that is, from a few days before fertilization until the embryo begins the development of the organs.

It is good to avoid alcohol consumption, even before confirming pregnancy, since they have been able to observe that even in small quantities it can cause alterations in the mother and in the embryo.

Specifically, they have observed a lower vascularization of the placenta, delayed embryo growth and a high frequency of abnormal embryos, with abnormalities in the formation of the central nervous system. Even bone abnormalities have been found, both in the formation of the skull and the extremities.

Taking care of yourself since you are looking for pregnancy is a good measure, leaving aside bad habits like alcohol. Well, even when the females stop drinking alcohol a few days after the start of pregnancy, the alterations also appear in the fetus causing a early and irreversible damage.

They have also found that alcohol intake for a short period (from 17 days before conception until ten days later) could cause DNA breakage or lead to cells with an abnormal number of chromosomes. And that causes morphological alterations of the ovules and sperm, in this they do coincide studies in humans.

For all this, and although there is no forgetting that we talk about a study in rats, prevention is always better than cure. The recommendation would be not a drop of alcohol since you start looking for pregnancy, both for women and men.

Video: Reproductive System, Part 3 - Sex & Fertilization: Crash Course A&P #42 (June 2024).