My recipes for ice cream with breast milk

When my son was growing up and summer arrived, about ten months ago, I found that I could make new use of breast milk for me. I had enough left over then and I began to investigate how to offer a healthier ice cream than the commercial and, incidentally, use this surplus that I took out at work and then he did not want to drink in a glass. And I started giving homemade breast milk ice cream.

Breast milk can be kept frozen without losing most of its properties. If we heat it in excess or if we put it in the micro, many of the living protective substances lose their power, so, if we freeze the milk we must take that into account when defrosting it.

However, with ice cream made at the moment the milk retains its nutritional qualities and with my Homemade breast milk ice cream recipes we just have to mix it with the ingredients we want.

As for ice cream, we must take into account that there are some milks that, when defrosted, change flavor but children do not usually reject it nor does that mean it is damaged. Also, as I say, it is not usual. However, if you have already frozen milk to store it, you will surely be accustomed to its appearance and possible smell. Anyway I always made them with fresh milk, cold preserved and put in the freezer at the time to cool it a lot and mix it with food, but we could make them with frozen milk used at the time of taking it out.

Of course, you never have to refreeze the milk or ice cream made with it, and in addition, you have to follow all the recommendations on its extraction and preservation.

When we make ice cream we must remember to beat it gently as it freezes, to break the crystals, but, being a small amount, it is not done with the blender but by hand, with a very clean fork. Just like that, for the little ones, who do not drink sugar yet, it is enough, but we can mix it with fruits that are already introduced in their diet, such as bananas or very ripe pear, which increases the sweetness and loved it. mode. They are not, of course, like commercial ice cream but that does not matter to children.

I have also given it mixed with a little tapioca cooked with water, very dense, and he liked it very cool, in addition to calming him when it was very hot or his teeth hurt.

For older children, as of the year, we do not have to fear adding other foods that are already in your diet, such as a pinch of sugar, biscuit whipped with milk and frozen or even, if we have already given it to you in other preparations, a tad of cream or new fruits that we incorporate into their usual diet. By including ingredients we can get a very creamy and soft product, which you will love. What we should not include is egg, even if it already eats it, because in ice cream it would be used raw, and that is dangerous.

With the breast milk ice cream We offer the child a new taste experience, safe, without additives or preservatives, including delicate flavors and also using our surpluses. If you make a recipe, you will tell me if the little ones like it.

Video: Eating Cookies With My Breast Milk! with Rosanna Pansino (June 2024).