A mother with three children gives birth to septuplets in Iraq, six girls and one boy

They are six girls and one boy They were conceived naturally and were born at the Al Batoul hospital in the Diala governorate, in east-central Iraq. His birth has left everyone astonished and is the first of septuplets registered in that country.

The little ones they came to the world by natural birth, and both the mother of 25 years and mother of three children, and the seven babies are in perfect condition, although they remain in incubators in the ICU.

في حالة فريدة من نوعها… سيدة عراقية تبلغ من العمر 25 عاماً، تلد 7 توائم ولادة طبيعية بمستشفى البتول التعليمي في محافظة #ديالى، ونشرت الصفحة الرسمية لصحة المحافظة على #فيسبوك صوراً للأطفال وهم ذكر و6 إناث، مؤكدة أن الأم والأطفال بحالة صحية جيدة #صحيفة_الرؤية
# العراق pic.twitter.com/c6xSsAZz2D

- صحيفة الرؤية (@Alroeya) February 12, 2019

The couple already had three children. The father, Youssef Fadl, said they had not planned to extend the family, but now they have ten children to care for and feed.

The last birth of septuplets in the world had been registered in Mexico, in the state of Guanajuato in September 2015, but on that occasion one of the babies died due to complications in childbirth.

In Babies and more Twin birth: what you should know about multiple births

How septuplets are conceived

Septuplets are seven babies that develop at the same time inside the uterus and born from the same birth.

Within multiple pregnancies, whether two, three, four or more babies, there may be several types depending on the amount of fertilized eggs.

It can be a monozygotic multiple pregnancy, when it is the result of the conception of an ovule and a sperm that has been divided into a certain number of embryos (in that case they are the same sex), or a dizygotic multiple pregnancy product of the fertilization of a certain number of ovules, in this case seven, each fertilized by a sperm, which gave rise to the seven embryos.

We do not know what the case of the septuplets in Iraq has been, but most likely it has been a combination of both types.

Video: 25-year old Iraqi woman gives birth to septuplets, six girls & one boy (July 2024).