Motherhood and fatherhood conscious

I sometimes use the expression conscious motherhood or conscious fatherhood in my articles, but I have realized that it is a way of explaining something very complex that deserves to be explained.

Conscious motherhood and fatherhood These are privileges that parents should not give up. It goes beyond deciding to have a child at a particular time in our lives, but it also implies that. It is, above all, to empower us of our fatherhood and motherhood, making us owners of our way of raising, determined and informed. Insurance of ourselves.

Motherhood and fatherhood conscious

When we become parents our whole universe changes. Priorities must necessarily change, since it is no longer we, the adults, who focus on meeting our needs, there is a new being, defenseless and dependent on all of us for their well-being, which becomes the center of our existence.

Our son needs us not only so that his needs for care, food, heat and clothing are perfectly taken care of. The baby has his parents as a natural habitat and they will depend on the treatment they give him your emotional well-being, your psychic growth and your learning of the world. It is a huge responsibility, without a doubt.

Our son and his happiness are largely something that will depend on us. The amusements of youth, whims, travel, shopping, all this inevitably ends in the background, because the baby naturally needs our company delivered and enjoyed to face life.

Live motherhood and fatherhood consciously It is a process that should begin before pregnancy. First, analyzing our material, economic and above all organizational conditions, because more than money the child needs attention. If the mother is going to continue working when the maternity leave ends, so short in this country, it is also convenient to have designed the way in which other people will take care of us in our absence, to make that separation as painless as possible to everybody.

Pregnancy and childbirth

The pregnancy It is a stage that live intensely. Reading time, learning, contacts with a network that will welcome us when the child is born. Informing us about the processes that occur in our body, taking responsibility for them, without leaving everything in the hands of doctors, is part of this preparation.

Understand childbirth It is another indispensable part of the preparation for conscious fatherhood and motherhood. Within the possibilities of each family it is advisable that they can decide the birth that the mother wants, the form and the place where she wants to be treated, even prepare her birth plan and discuss it with the midwife or the doctors who will attend her.

Having data on the center or the professional will help them to reach the safe and confident delivery that will be attended according to their wishes and having all the necessary information about the pain or the possible necessary interventions that may occur.

A happy puerperium

Breastfeeding and newborn care, including the needs of mother and child in those early days, organizing the home and visits, preparing a cozy and intimate nest where they can build the link without references is enormously important, I will never get tired of exposing it, because it may depend on it not only the beginning of a successful breastfeeding, but above all the warmth and peace that guarantee a happy puerperium.

For infants, breastfeeding is very important and the preparation of the mother, with knowledge, information and a support network of breastfeeding groups and trained professionals is crucial. If, for whatever reason, the mother, knowing the benefits of breastfeeding and how to get it, decides not to breastfeed, it is also advisable to be very informed about how to use artificial breastfeeding.

Parenting: responsible motherhood and fatherhood

But above all a conscious motherhood and fatherhood is to take a deep responsibility on the way in which we will raise the child, understanding their needs and their evolutionary processes, independent of fashions or customs, completely owners of our decisions and sure of them, through study, learning, creation of support networks and above all and above all, open and loving dialogue between parents.

Video: Positive Affirmations for Mothers & Fathers (July 2024).