What gesture does your baby make when he is sleepy?

One of the things that most tender me about babies is when they are sleepy and their eyes are rubbed. They still do not know how to express themselves with words but their body language tells us that sleep can.

All babies have a particular way to prove it. Some rub their eyes, others touch their hair and others put their fingers in their mouths as an unequivocal sign that it is bedtime. But there are many others. It would be fun to tell us What gesture does your baby make when he is sleepy?

My baby has two very different ways of telling us that she is sleepy, and manifests one or the other depending largely on the day she has had, if she has gone for a walk, if she has rested well, if she is ill ...

If you have had a quiet day and are "pachorrona", when you can not sleep more begins to rub his eyes with his hands and pulls his ears. Sometimes the gesture is accompanied by the classic crying of "I'm sleepy". It is also very typical to make him sleepy at lunchtime and end up spreading vegetable puree all over his face.

On the other hand, if you have received too many stimuli throughout the day and have slept short naps, not at all repairing, when you are sleepy you will overexcite and shout. He does not stop moving the legs and if the bed is forced to get up as if doing abdominals, as if he needed to spend the last load of energy before going to sleep.

Another gesture he always makes when he is sleepy and I love it is that when he takes it in his arms, he rubs my chest in search of my mother's warmth to fall asleep at ease. Of course, I can't (or want to) resist.

Do you tell us what gesture does your baby do when he is sleepy?

Video: What are Infant Distress Warning Signs? (July 2024).