High demand babies: features (II)

A few days ago we began to explain some of the characteristics that babies considered to have high demand may have. After saying that they are intense, hyperactive, absorbent babies and that they feed often today we will continue with some more characteristics.


When they ask for something they ask for it now. Their requests are extremely urgent and they know how to let them know that they do not accept an alternative. The mothers of these babies often say they have the feeling of "not being on time."

Faced with such an urgent situation, seeing that one does not let one pass and that the mothers feel overwhelmed, it is necessary to know why such a hurry and why such insistence. If a baby has needs but does not know very well how to request them, that is, if you do not cry enough or if you do not show that you need it imperiously, you may not be satisfied with those needs. If this happened, the baby would go into a deficit situation, because he has not got what he needs (and when one grows up lacking, he can have an erratic development).

If a baby grows up feeling that his parents are there to meet his demands, helping him, little by little, to request things in a more rational and less instinctive way (the child's growth helps him), the child grows up trusting that his parents will be by his side on the road, sure of himself.

It is not about giving him everything he asks, but about giving him what he needs and that we can give him. When it cannot be like that or we consider that it should not be like that (I am talking now about children, not about babies), we must let them know by reasoning why.

In any case, returning to the topic of babies. The requirement is one of the features that can exasperate parents more, but it is also an element of the personality of people that helps, and much, to succeed and excel.

As parents we should not turn off the ability of these children to know their needs and know how to express them, since they are a very powerful weapon in the future: the people who have the ability to change the world are those who do not conform to the established, they need to do things, live changes, those who know the way to go, those who feel safe with the options chosen.

They wake up often

"With everything you need, wouldn't you need hours of sleep?" Any mother and father of these children could say. They wake up oftenThey have a light sleep that remains, only a little, if we are with them, by their side or if, during the day, we keep them in their arms to sleep.

Otherwise, if we try to pass them to the crib, they will sleep little (if they let themselves be put in the crib, since many times they will groan starting crying if we do not remedy the situation).

This is one of the characteristics that most deplete the parents, since at night, when we need to replenish the energies that we have exhausted by the day, the awakenings are successive and, although they rest despite little sleep, we parents have serious Trouble welcoming the new day with the attitude and energy it deserves.

Obviously there is not much to do, beyond helping to establish an adequate environment to favor sleep and arm yourself with patience since, like everything else, it is a stage. After a while you will sleep more and more time and parents can start resting too.


They are babies that they never seem satisfied, no matter how much parents do for them. Parents try to meet them, they try to guess what they need and what comforts them and in many moments they will realize that there is nothing that works.

Mothers tend to think that they have done something very wrong, so that their child complains so much and so often. No, mom, do not feel that you have failed, these children are like that, it is part of their personality to not have enough.

This does not mean that you have to throw in the towel, but quite the opposite. When we try out strategies and finally we find one that works, that day you are able to fill your baby with kisses and congratulate yourself for everything.


After finding a solution or method that seems to work, the cards change hands and start needing something else.

This is very frustrating, as I have already commented above, because You have to be playing detective all day, to see what can appease the crying at that time.

Techniques such as carrying him in his arms, walking him in a car, singing songs, putting music, taking him upside down on our arm, putting him on his side, upside down, with toys, without them, using a pacifier, buying a hammock, putting him in bed with his parents, stroking the head, face, bathing before bed, letting him cry, not letting him cry, massaging, taking off clothes, sheltering him more, etc. These are some of the strategies that any mother can use. One day they will work, or even for a while, but then you will have to look for alternatives, because these solutions usually go as easily as they arrived.

They are also able to show how extremists they can be when they change their mood. The day they are happy, it is a pleasure to be by their side and anyone would melt with them.

However, the day they are angry, they show it in such a way that the people around them get uncomfortable.

This unpredictability makes the days are also unpredictable. Parents wake up in the morning doubting if the day that begins will be more or less calm and stable or if, on the contrary, it will be busy and moved: "Let's see how you wake up today," parents often think.

In a few days we continue explaining The characteristics of high demand babies.

Video: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - Frankfort Regional Medical Center (July 2024).