Original breastfeeding shirts from Mama FeelsGood

I recognize that I haven't bought a special breastfeeding shirt for a long time, which has its drawbacks, since I often end up with the cold lower back. But I loved these breastfeeding shirts from Mama FeelsGood.

Normally these shirts are usually expensive clothes and it is also difficult to find models that fit our tastes, so many times we give up and put on our usual clothes.

But these original shirts are not the typical ones that show the fold of the double layer for the opening at chest height.

They are modern design shirts that we can wear perfectly even if we are no longer breastfeeding. It is not that the others could not use them, but it is good that they have looked when incorporating a more discreet opening system.

As you can see, they are quite colorful and cheerful models, with striking prints, something that is also difficult to find often in both breastfeeding clothes and maternity clothes.

In Mama FeelsGood we find nursing shirts of various models, both long sleeve and short sleeve. The prices are quite affordable for what we are used to in this type of garments, since about 20 euros are the cheapest in MamaFeelsGood.