Weddings without children: the bride asks parents who had gone with their children to retire, and the debate goes on again

For some years now, the issue of organizing weddings and asking for children not to attend has caused different and varied opinions. Some time ago we shared a reflection that talked about what a father would do if they invited him to a wedding that his children cannot attend.

Now, this debate returns to become an international discussion, after knowing the anonymous publication of a bride, in which he says that He had to ask parents to retire from their wedding, after they did not respect his request not to take children to this wedding, and so he wonders if what he did was right or wrong.

The bride shared it in networks

Weddings, although they are an event in which love is celebrated, the union of the couple and the beginning of a new family, also tend to have a certain level of controversy or discussion, when it comes to certain situations in which opinions They are divided.

Speaking particularly of the issue of not inviting children to weddings, recently the networks were turned back on after a recent bride shared, anonymously in a thread in Reddit, what happened on her wedding day: she asked a couple who was wearing to his young children to retire, because they had indicated that they wanted a wedding without children.

According to what the anonymous girlfriend says, the guests in question were a couple with whom they were not close, but that the wife was an old family friend. Although the wedding invitations were specified, The couple showed up at the ceremony with their two children: a baby and a child between three and four years old.

As there were also children from the nearby family at the ceremony, the bride did not give it importance and He thought that perhaps like the rest of his family, they would take the children with a relative or nanny and they would return for party time without their children.

But as this did not happen and the whole family introduced themselves to the party, in which they were the only two children, the bride asked her wedding planner to come and explain the situation to the couple and see if someone would take the children, because they had asked not to attend.

In Babies and more What I would do if they invited me to a wedding where children cannot go

According to the bride, the party was late and everyone the guests were drinking and making a lot of noise, and the children were already starting to look tired and upset about being in that environment. He also mentions that even since the ceremony, one of the parents came out for a moment because the baby was crying.

However, things did not go as she thought, and The couple began to discuss with the wedding planner, so she decided to approach to try to help and talk with her guests. At first they thought he was going to help them and told him that the organizer was being rude to them, but she proceeded to explain to them that she had indicated in the invitations that she wanted a wedding without children.

The children's mother apologized slightly and said they should not worry, because they could take care that their children did not interrupt any part of the party, but she told them again that this was not what she wanted. Then the boyfriend approached and he and the children's father began to argue, so the bride decided to intervene and asked them to retire.

In the end, the family retired but many of the other guests noticed and even days after the wedding, some relatives told him that it was inappropriate to have "expelled" them from the party, making him wonder if she really was the bad one in that situation.

Naturally, by making it public and asking the opinion of others, their history went viral and thousands of people began to share their views and explain why it was right or wrong.

At the time, she added a comment in which she appreciated the opinions, in which most were on her side, not so much because they agreed or in favor of weddings without children, but because they believe the couple was wrong to attend without respecting the request They had done from the beginning.

Weddings without children, yes or no?

Personally (and I think this is more than anything for cultural reasons) the fact that a couple decides that there are no children at the party on their wedding day seems to me the most "normal", although we should not confuse it with "correct". I mean that where I am from, in Mexico, since I can remember, indicating whether or not children can go to weddings is very common.

This does not mean that they do not want children or that they find it annoying. It happens that most weddings are very late and usually have an environment that is not appropriate for children.

In this case, we who have children understand it as one of two things: prevention and consideration for children so that they are not uncomfortable or bothered by the noise and lights of the party, or, as one of the details or specifications that boyfriends want to have in a day that they have planned and looked forward to, and where they will be the center of attention. I do not think it is a situation of discrimination, but a matter of environment or environment.

Now, Nor does it mean that you agree that children are prohibited from going to weddingsBut I understand that there may be multiple reasons to ask not to attend: the party will be too late, there will be something that is not suitable for children, perhaps it is somewhere where there could be some danger to them, the environment could be very annoying or noisy, want a small party or save expenses, and so on.

From my point of view as a woman and mother, I think a wedding is more beautiful, special and fun when there are children. But I also understand that there are situations and places for everything and maybe the place or atmosphere that the party had was not the best or the right one for little ones.

Who is right?

Returning to the main news, Was the bride wrong asking them to leave? If we speak from a protocol point of view, I think not, because from the beginning it was specified and requested that children not be attended (for whatever reason), and the couple did not give importance and took their two children.

In the place of the invited couple, I consider that it would have been appropriate not to attend and answer the boyfriends, or do the same as the rest of the family and find a babysitter or someone to take care of their children for a couple of hours if they first wanted to be present.

But from a human point of view, Why deny assistance to children? As a small memory, I attended some weddings with my parents (that was there in the nineties) and there was never a bigger problem, although I must mention that those weddings I attended when I was a child were from close relatives.

In Babies and more A babysitter marries and is part of her courtship to 15 children who have been in her care

Most of the weddings I have attended are usually at night, end very late and are very noisy (because some adults do know how to disturb), so as a mother I know that my daughter would not be calm, comfortable or happy and I would feel better knowing that you will be in the tranquility of my house with your grandmother or someone you trust and not in an environment that bothers you.

On the other hand, if it is a wedding sooner or later and in a more relaxed or familiar environment, I do not see why my daughter should not attend with me. Children are children and as we have said on previous occasions, they usually put the color note at weddings. But finally on these issues, and many others, the opinions will always be very diverse.

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