Recommend a hearing test to all newborns

Ear problems in children may be less severe if they are detected in time, so an early hearing test for all newborns It is a good measure that experts recommend.

Specialists suggest auditive screening of all babies under three months to detect possible hearing abnormalities and correct them between 0 and 3 years, before exceeding the period of oral language development.

There are children with a higher risk of suffering from a hearing problem such as those with a family history, babies born with low weight, with craniocerebral malformations, babies who have had mechanical ventilation for more than five days or suffer chronic otitis media.

However, although there are predisposing factors, 50% of babies with hearing loss are healthy babies with no family history. The most common problem is sensorineural hearing loss, which originates in the inner ear or in the auditory nerve.

That is why prevention is so important through simple tests and above all the observation of the baby's behavior by the parents.

Any attitude that might make you suspect that your baby has a hearing problem is a reason to consult with the pediatrician.

Some signs that there may be a hearing impairment are: noticing the baby as absent, who does not react to the parents' voice, does not startle at a sudden sound or does not turn his head where the sounds come from.

Video: Newborn Hearing Screening (July 2024).