Video: twins born after overcoming cancer

We gave you the news a few weeks ago: the first twins born by reimplantation of ovarian tissue after cancer were born. A hopeful achievement for many women who suffer from this disease. Now we have been able to meet the little ones, their parents and to the medical team that made this birth possible.

What fascinates me most about the images is the happiness of the mother who has overcome the disease and her wishes to be a mother have been fulfilled thanks to her perseverance and conviction, with the help of the professionals of the Doctor Peset hospital together with the Institute Infertility Valencian.

Jaume and Nahuel, which are the name of the little ones, have come to the world thanks to a novel technique that combines tissue extraction and vitrification.

The mother's message to other women who go through the painful situation of a cancer is clear: you have to be strong and persevere, thinking that what can come later is very valuable, in this case your twins.

Recall that the IVI is committed to performing a free cryopreservation of reproductive cells for cancer patients, and that it also has the Fertility Preservation program in Oncology Patients.

If it seems incredible to me how many advances are made in the field of artificial fertilization, especially when we know cases in which diseases such as cancer are not incompatible with motherhood. All a hopeful look to the future, personified in the case of these two babies, the first born after an ovarian tissue implant.

Video | Youtube On Babies and more | Being a mother or father after cancer, First pregnant by reimplantation of ovarian tissue after cancer

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