Dads and moms blogs: weekly review

Today we release a new section in our blog that we hope you like. It's about a Weekly review of moms and dads blogs that we found on the internet, which, incidentally, are becoming more

The goal is to create an interaction between Babies and more and parents who share their personal experiences through their own blogs.

Let's take a look at the latest content that we can find on the net.

In Be mom, a blog that I follow has often posted a couple of links to a series of beautiful videos about births, mother-baby attachment in the early hours of life and breastfeeding.

Feelings of all kinds are those that the author of Tickle in the belly Express in your last post. In it he recounts the roller coaster of emotions he feels before his impending motherhood.

In Help, I'm a mother! Elenilla tells us how her youngest son has passed the test of leaving the pacifier. It does not explain the technique he has used, a tip that many parents may want to follow.

Men have also launched to blog their experiences. Jesus tells us in Be dad the satisfactory change of the "piiii" of the desperatdor by the "ta-ta-ta-ta" of his little one.

For her part, the author of Mom's Diary, a blog with 5 years of experience, shares in change times the new habits of his daughter Sara at bedtime.

And finally, a maximum for us to consider throughout the week. In the blog Cutlet with mouse, whose cover illustrates the post, Olivia reminds us of the commitment to give a smile.

We take this first entry on the review to invite the parents and moms bloggers to share with us the links to your blogs. You can do it in the comments. This will create a list from which we will feed to find new content to share each week.

Video: When Dad surprises Mum for their wedding anniversary (July 2024).