Equilibristas: between motherhood and the profession

Today, March 8 marks the International Day of Working Women, which vindicates the search for gender equality of women in the workplace.

Since the massive entry of women into the world of work, a situation of difficulty has been created around the possibility of reconciling work and family life.

On this subject Immaculate Gilaberte speaks in his book “Equilibristas: between motherhood and the profession”, referring to the adventures and difficulties of current mothers to deal successfully in the two aspects of life.

The book is written in the form of letters from the author to her daughter in which she tells the joys, difficulties and tensions of a woman who tries to fulfill both professionally and family.

Taking a look at the data on maternity and work in Spain we highlight that 60% of women consider motherhood an obstacle to their professional career and that 25% of Spanish women say they will not have the children they want. It is clear that the difficulty of reconciling both planes is evident, if not impossible.

I leave you with the cover text, by Gemma Nierga, a journalist:

This book goes beyond proclaiming full equality between women and men and states, through direct and human experiences, that the challenge for us is multiplied by two and three when we exercise that equality, and we must be mothers, companions and good professionals and do it at the competitive level that a society as demanding as the one we live demands.

Video: Latif Nasser: The amazing story of the man who gave us modern pain relief (July 2024).