The "Ronald McDonald Houses" project returns

Some time ago we talked about the Ronald McDonald Houses, a project of The Ronald McDonald Children's Foundation that aims to create and maintain very special houses. They are houses that constitute a home for families whose child needs a long medical treatment It must be done in a hospital away from home.

Now in Spain, from November 1 to 20 a new fundraising campaign is launched as part of the actions carried out by the company on the occasion of World Children's Day.

This is a voluntary donation that customers who go to any McDonald's establishment can make. In return, employees will receive an adhesive hand that can be customized and pasted on the walls of the premises.

Currently, in the peninsula only exists a Ronald McDonald House that is located in Barcelona although from what I have seen, it has already helped many families in their solidarity work. In its more than 6 years of life, it has welcomed about 370 families from different parts of Spain and abroad who have been forced to move away from their usual residence to receive medical treatments.

Specifically, in 2008, a total of 156 families have been helped, with an average of 72 days of stay. A beautiful work that helps children in such difficult times.

Video: The Duck Song (July 2024).