Celebrate the birthday in the City of Arts and Sciences

Birthday + Diver is the option offered by the great space of Valencia of the City of Arts and Sciences so that the little ones celebrate and enjoy their birthday in a big way. Big time ... and expensive, I have to say.

Well, although children's birthdays are already expensive, especially if we join the celebration in places where we pay extra ... Celebrating birthdays in this fabulous environment costs 15 euros.

But it seemed like a good option, for example, to celebrate in petit committee (The minimum group is 10 children), a very special gift for the little ones in the house. There are 2 possibilities, as they prefer museum or cinema, both combined with snack, birthday cake and piñata.

In the first one, you will visit "L'Espai dels Xiquets" in the Prince Felipe Science Museum, recommended activity for children from 4 to 7 years old. Here children can approach the world of science themselves, experiment with the senses, interact with the nature of water, the world of animals or work as a team.

The other possibility is, apart from the snack, a film in Imax format that the little ones will see in the Hemisfèric, an impressive experience that I recommend to anyone who approaches the City of Arts.

Official Site | City of Arts and Sciences In Babies and more | Celebrate the birthday outdoors, An original and simple birthday cake, Organize the birthday party

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