The car seat belt does not harm the fetus

It is inexplicable that at this point there are those who consider that not using the seat belt in the car may be less dangerous than using it. Not even in the case of pregnant women.

Every year 370 babies die from being born in traffic accidents in the United States.

An investigation by experts from the University of Michigan revealed that about 200 fetal deaths a year would be avoided (i.e. more than half) if pregnant women always and properly use the seat belt when traveling by car, even if the journey is short.

For their part, pregnant women should know that in Spain the main cause of death of the fetus in car accidents, after the death of the mother, is due to the detachment of the placenta.

Research results published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology indicated that pregnant women who suffered an accident and were wearing seat belts reduced the risk of death or injury of their babies by 84 percent, compared to participants who did not use the device.

With this data the false myth that the seat belt can harm the fetus is banished. It is clear that much more can damage it by not using it.

Some of the terrible consequences that the fetus can suffer in a traffic accident range from direct injuries, premature birth, placental abruption and in the worst case, which unfortunately are many, the death of the baby.

In Spain it is mandatory to wear a seat belt in pregnant women, so by not using it, in addition to risking the life of your future child, they also risk a fine.

Another important point is how to place it. The lower strap should go below the belly, at the height of the hips, never at the level of the stomach. If you find it uncomfortable, especially in recent months, there are padded covers that allow more comfort for the mother and prevent the belt from moving up.

Video: Car Safety belt, During Pregnancy (July 2024).