Preterm birth leads to higher cholesterol levels

In Babies and more, we have already talked about the importance of women's cholesterol levels during pregnancy, as it has been shown in different studies that very high or very low cholesterol levels in the future mother could get to trigger a premature birth.

Now the case has also been studied in reverse, that is, if it could influence having had a premature birth in the mother's cholesterol levels after giving birth.

The conclusions are that women who had a preterm birth have higher cholesterol levels in blood compared to pregnant women who gave birth last week 37 of gestation. In addition these figures would remain High for several years. This is stated by Janet M. Catov, a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh, after a study on 47 women who had had the baby before week 37, comparing them with 104 women, who had had the term delivery. They analyzed concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides and lipoproteins for an average of 7.4 years after delivery.

The cholesterol figures were 2 or 3 times higher when she had given birth early. The women who had their son before the 34th week of gestation were the ones with the highest figures.

Video: Helping Premature Babies Survive (July 2024).