Studies on gastroesophageal reflux in pregnancy, without news

In Babies and more we have already explained how heartburn occurs during pregnancy, and also some ways to combat it.

But this is a problem that worries health professionals, according to Dr. Enrique Rey of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital in Madrid, Little is known about the natural history of reflux symptoms during pregnancy.

For this reason, they have carried out a study, well a follow-up of more than 500 pregnant women of less than 12 weeks, half of them had a telephone consultation in the 12th, 24th and 36th week of pregnancy and one year after delivery. The other group was consulted at the beginning of the study and 21 weeks later. The conclusions have not been more specific than those we already knew, not all pregnant women have increased heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux as the pregnancy progresses, it affects to a greater extent the future moms who gain more weight.

They also indicate that pregnancy is a common factor in developing heartburn. The only surprise that Dr. Rey's team reveals is that women of South American origin showed double the risk of having reflux symptoms during the first trimester of pregnancy, but they don't explain why.

We assume that they will continue with the research to reinforce this information that has been published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.