Undescended testicle or cryptorchid

He undescended testicle or cryptorchid affects approximately 3-4% of men, the problem is that once the testicles have developed in the abdominal cavity while they are in the womb, they do not end up descending to the scrotum.

It is more common for cryptorchid to suffer premature children, the descent to the testicular bag occurs during the seventh month of pregnancy, so it is one of the possible effects of not ending its development in the uterus. In this case, it will usually be around 9 months of age of the baby when the problem resolves on its own.

Cryptorchidism can affect one or both testicles, other reasons besides premature birth, are attributed to hormonal disorders, spina bifida, retractable testicles (by the force of the muscle reflex that retracts the testicles occasionally) or testicular absence. The problem is diagnosed with a simple physical examination (in addition to the knowledge of medical history) in the reviews of the small palpate to see if the problem exists. It does not cause symptoms, but undescended testicles can cause fertility problems in adulthood, there is also a greater chance of suffering testicular cancer.

Generally, when a baby is born with undescended testicles, no need for treatment or medical correction has been resolved when he has reached the age of one. Otherwise it will be necessary to follow a specific treatment that will depend on the expectations of the evolution, the severity of the disorder, the history, etc., they may even recommend surgery (orchidopexy), whose results are also very favorable.

Whenever this problem is detected it is necessary to go to the specialist, not wait for it to grow to see if it is solved, professional follow-up is necessary.

Video: What are Undescended Testicles? (July 2024).