First summer with baby

Again we are in summer and Many parents will be the first time they spend it with their baby, being one of its greatest illusions to show you what is the aquatic environment, the pool or the beach.

The problem can be found when the child, contrary to what parents expect, is afraid of the immensity of a space to which he is currently not accustomed.

In Babies and more we have already given some recommendations for a first approach of the child, first, not to transmit our own fear, but making sure that respect for water does not lose it, sometimes trust and lack of fear is what most It terrifies our parents and can lead the child to suffer an accident. We had this conversation this weekend with some friends who have a two-year-old boy, the little one did not hesitate to climb anywhere he had, and Adam is not afraid of anything. Our friends told us that with their first daughter they had all the pampering and care they had and, for having, something excessive, of course, but with the child, the insecurity of the first-time parents had already disappeared, and he is growing much healthier and broader than his sister.

Showing our children our environment with all naturalness and respect, can help them to know him with the passion and attention he needs. This summer can be an odyssey of discoveries for your child, show it, without hurry but without pause, they will be unforgettable moments for the whole family.

Video: Summer song - baby first tv (July 2024).