How much time do we spend as parents worrying about our children? Apparently too much

As fathers and mothers it is completely natural that our children top the list of priorities and concerns in our lives. Being responsible for their lives, hopefully we will constantly wait for everything they need and do. But it's too much? How does doing too much affect us?

A recent survey measured the number of hours a day and week we spend worrying about our children, as well as the main concerns we have as parents. We share your results.

The results of this survey are on par with the return to school, which is usually one of the moments when new concerns appear in the minds of mothers and fathers around the world. Taken together by the OnePoll pollster and Lice Clinics of America, the results indicate that we probably spend too much time worrying about our children, so much so that we have trouble falling asleep.

Carried out with the participation of 2,000 fathers and mothers, it was found that on average, each one spends five hours and 18 minutes a day worrying about their children, while a week, a total of 37 hours occurs, close to the duration of A full-time workday.

As for the dream, it was found that 59% of parents lose hours of sleep or have trouble sleeping, for being thinking and worrying about their children.

And what worries us most? The results show that In reference to the return to school, the three main concerns are: that their children are safe (48% of parents), that their children are happy (44%) and that their children are victims of bullying (43%). They are followed by others such as their children doing well in class, obtaining good grades, adapting well with their classmates and eating healthy while in school.

And on concerns in general, a list was made with the main "nightmares" for parents, ordered according to the number of parents who showed such concern:

  1. That they return home with a broken limb or a sprain (41%)
  2. Let them return with a broken heart (40%)
  3. That they return home with lice (36%)
  4. That they return home with chickenpox (33%)
  5. That they return home with a broken finger (31%)
  6. That they return home with pharyngitis (29%)
  7. Who had an allergic reaction (29%)
  8. Colds coming home (27%)
  9. That they return home with conjunctivitis (26%)
  10. That they return home with their broken glasses (16%)

In addition, parents were asked about their feelings and impressions in relation to other parents. 54% indicated that having children is more difficult than they thought, while three out of ten parents care about what other parents might think on their parenting style, and 48% of them have felt judged by other parents.

We are not surprised that the main concerns as parents are about their health, safety and emotional well-being, but we must take into consideration that back to school can be a time when they increase and stress appears.

These results remind me of a survey conducted a few months ago, in which it was found that current generations showed more wear or "burnout" than the previous ones, due to the current pace of life that makes raising children more difficult today.

Video: We Finally Understand The Entire It Story (July 2024).