Relationship between natural fruit juices and child overweight

It may seem boring to continually disclose studies and data on childhood obesity, many parents may think "my child is fat, but it is fine", and this is the problem, this overweight can be very harmful in the long run for the child and is it is necessary that parents acquire awareness to correct it. So there we go.

There is a good debate with the subject of natural fruit juices, it is said that the concentration of sugar they have is related to obesity, but researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston have presented the conclusions of a study in the annual convention held in Toronto of the Academic Society of Pediatrics regarding this belief.

According to the latest data, 100% natural fruit juice does not increase the risk of being overweight or obese "as long as it is taken in moderation" (here is the important fact), because it provides essential nutrients and they say it can even help maintain weight. The study was based on 3,618 children aged 2 to 11 years. From the data of these children it follows that the average daily consumption of natural fruit juice is approximately half a cup, a moderate amount and recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Of the children in which their consumption of fruit juice was a cup and a half, they did not find that this triggered overweight, even if they were children 2 to 3 years old, they were almost three times less likely to be obese.

The doctor who heads the study, Theresa Nicklas, states that parents should look at the sum of calories that the child consumes at the end of the day and adapt it to the activity of the child to maintain an adequate weight.

Personally, we do not find in the information provided by this medical team many novelties, the problem is that on more occasions than necessary, the juices that children drink are not natural and contain added sugars.

We have always been in favor of taking the fruit in pieces, as a problem that also causes the consumption of juices is in oral health, the sugar of the fruit penetrates more easily between the teeth, so a more thorough hygiene would be required . Chewing is also dispensed with, a very favorable issue for the correct development of teeth, not forgetting the loss of part of the fiber suffered by the squeezed fruit. But naturally, drinking fruit juices "moderately" is very healthy, especially when it is very difficult for us to eat fruit.

Video: Richard So, . - 'Pediatricians say No to Fruit Juice for Children Under a Year' (July 2024).