Sexual and reproductive education aimed at young Spaniards does not work

The figures on interruptions during pregnancy are quite shocking, in 2004 more than 330,000 adolescents and young people between the ages of 15 and 24 decided to abort, the worst thing is that these figures have now increased by 10%. This clearly demonstrates the inefficiency of sex education and everything around it, be guidance, information, etc.

Spanish health even recognizes that in some Spanish communities there is no educational plan regarding this issue, but the worst is what we read in the Medical Gazette, which indicates that despite being aware of the Spanish health of the problem, it is not They have planned strong measures that alleviate as much as possible the large number of pregnancy interruptions that are occurring in our country. Well yes, there is an intention to develop some more programs on sexual and reproductive health for young people. The high abortion figures contrast with the abortion law where it is said, “when necessary to avoid a serious danger to the life or the psychic health of the pregnant woman”, much less the figure is within the framework of this law, much fault They have private clinics where they pursue the economic benefit rather than the healthy one. If we take into account the serious medical and psychiatric consequences that affect both the mother and the father, it is incomprehensible that health professionals, even if they are private, pursue only the economic benefit.

Just remember the file open to the MC clinic in Barcelona belonging to the CB Médical group, as a result of a report recently broadcast on Danish public television (and which we have also seen in Spain). This report shows a hidden camera as a 7-month pregnant journalist has facilities to perform the abortion. From this report it follows that Barcelona is an ideal place to practice fraudulent abortions outside the three parameters set forth in Spanish law.

Spanish health has a lot of work to do, on the one hand to strengthen prevention and education policies related to sexual health and pregnancy, and on the other to strengthen health inspections in all clinics to avoid situations such as occurred and done public in the television report.

Video: Elevating Youth Voice to Inform Issues in Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (July 2024).