What is the best position to sleep in pregnancy?

Sleeping in pregnancy can sometimes be an ordeal, especially in the last trimester when the size of the belly prevents us from finding a comfortable position. We go around in bed looking for the best posture to get a good rest, but What is the best position to sleep in pregnancy? Is there one better than another? The answer is yes, there is. We tell you what it is and why.

Better on the left side

Experts recommend sleeping on this side for medical reasons. The vena cava is located on the right side, the largest vein in the body through which a large blood flow circulates. By lying on the left side we avoid the pressure of the body weight on this vein, favoring blood supply to the placenta and providing more oxygen and nutrients for the baby.

The most advisable is lie in bed on the left side keeping the shoulders and hips in the same direction and angle to keep the muscles of the spine relaxed.

Although it can not be said that sleeping on the right side is harmful to the baby, as there are no conclusive studies to support it, sleeping on the left side in pregnancy seems to be the best choice, if the pregnant woman tolerates it.

And face up?

When the pregnant woman is lying on her back, all the weight of the uterus falls on the back, intestines and inferior vena cava, which as we mentioned before is responsible for returning to the heart the blood that comes from the lower part of the body.

Sleeping in this way for a long time while pregnant can intensify back pain, as well as favor some digestive difficulties, especially constipation or hemorrhoids (difficulty of bowel movement, inflammation ...).

There is even a study that indicates that it could be dangerous to sleep on your back during the last trimester in a risky pregnancy. The authors point out that such posture increases the stress of the fetus and this could contribute to the risk of fetal death in women with underlying disorders.

Pillows, your best allies

They can certainly be of great help, so arm yourself with a couple of extra pillows, in addition to the one you use to support your head. Lying on the left side, place a pillow of sufficient thickness between the knees, flexing the leg that is above the pillow.

You can also place a small pillow under the belly to avoid distension of the ligaments of the uterus that usually cause discomfort.

There are pregnant women who sleep by placing a third pillow on their chest to also keep their shoulders relaxed. As the pillows can become discolored, there are giant body pillows for pregnant women, usually U-shaped, that surround the mother's body and that placing her between the legs allows her to support her belly and chest while serving to support her head. They are very practical and once your baby is born you can continue using it.

We hope that our advice will serve you and that you will achieve a good rest in pregnancy.

Video: The right way to sleep during pregnancy (July 2024).