Ectopic pregnancy: what it is, symptoms and risk factors

When we discover that we are waiting for a baby, one of the first things we should do will be to schedule an appointment with our gynecologist, to start monitoring and controlling our pregnancy, which is very important, as it will help us know if everything It is in order.

In a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg descends through the fallopian tubes to the uterus, where it is implanted to begin its development. But when this does not happen, we are talking about a ectopic pregnancy. We tell you what it is, as well as its symptoms and risk factors.

What is an ectopic pregnancy

A ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy It is one that, as the name implies, develops outside the uterus or womb, usually in the fallopian tubes, but it can also occur in an ovary, cervix or somewhere else in the abdomen.

This complication of pregnancy It is not frequent and happens in about two percent of pregnancies. The majority of cases in which an ectopic pregnancy occurs are not viable, and gestational loss usually occurs during the first trimester.

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But nevertheless, if they are not detected in time, they can endanger the life of the mother, because as the pregnancy progresses, the organ or site where it is implanted stretches too much and can cause it to rupture, causing internal bleeding, an infection or in some cases, death.

Therefore, it is important that we talk to our doctor before any symptoms, because ectopic pregnancies they are considered medical emergency and they are the main cause of fetal and maternal morbidity in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy

The first symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy they are usually similar or equal to those of a normal pregnancy: The absence of the menstrual period occurs, there is tenderness in the breasts, and fatigue and nausea are also experienced.

However, the alarm symptoms that we may indicate the presence of an ectopic pregnancy They are:

  • Cramps, especially under the abdomen and on one side. The pain can be aggravated by sneezing, coughing, urinating or making sudden movements.
  • Can be presented brown vaginal losses or slight bleeding several days or weeks before the pain.
  • A high percentage of women with ectopic pregnancy suffer nausea and dizziness, although this symptom is difficult to differentiate from morning sickness caused by a normal pregnancy.

If the pregnancy is not detected on time and continues to progress, it is possible to break some organ, like the fallopian tube. So, the symptoms that occur are the following:

  • Fainting, fainting, dizziness or weakness.
  • Fast and weak pulse and cold and moist skin.
  • Pain in the back side of the back.
  • Shoulder pain and / or pressure in the rectum.
  • Abdominal pain very sharp and constant for a short time and spread throughout the pelvis area.

If you have any of the symptoms related to an ectopic pregnancy, It is important that you go to the office immediately, so that they can give you a diagnosis and attend to you before it continues to advance and your life is in danger.

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Risk factor's

An ectopic pregnancy can happen to anyone and in most cases the exact cause for which it happens is not known. However, there are a number of factors that increase the chance of having an ectopic pregnancy, which include the following:

  • Be over 35 years old. Most ectopic pregnancies occur in women between 35 and 44 years old.
  • Have had a previous ectopic pregnancy. This increases the chance of another happening again by up to 20%.
  • Having had infections like pelvic inflammatory disease, which can cause the fallopian tubes to block partially or completely.
  • Have had abdominal or pelvic area surgery.
  • Suffer endometriosis, a condition that causes the tissue of the womb to grow outside the uterus, and can cause blockages in the fallopian tubes.
  • Be using assisted reproduction methods to get pregnant, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).
  • To have gone through a tubal recanalization surgery in order to get pregnant again.
  • Getting pregnant while wearing the IUD.
  • Take hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, which can slow the movement of the egg.
  • Smoke.

Prevention and treatment

Though it is not possible to prevent an ectopic pregnancy, it is possible to pay attention to risk factors to avoid them as much as possible and thus reduce the chances of one occurring.

Also, it is important to discuss with our doctor the existence of any history that may increase your probability, to keep a better control that helps detect it early.

As we mentioned at the beginning, an ectopic pregnancy is not viable since the ovum cannot develop outside the uterus, although there are extremely rare cases in which babies who are born outside the uterus reach term.

The treatment for an ectopic pregnancy is finish it with treatment or surgery, depending on the case. If the ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed early, the doctor will give injections of a medicine that prevents the cells from growing, the pregnancy ends and the body absorbs the tissue that has developed, without affecting the fallopian tubes.

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In certain special cases or if the ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed when it is advanced or an internal rupture has occurred, surgery called laparoscopy will be required, which consists of making an incision in the abdomen to introduce a small chamber and use surgical instruments to eliminate pregnancy or if an organ has exploded, remove it.

After going through a ectopic pregnancy It is possible to have a healthy pregnancy in the future, but this will depend on the treatment that has been had and on the condition in which the affected organs have remained. It is only important that once you have had one, the chances of having another in the future increase.

Photos | iStock, Unsplash

Video: Ectopic Pregnancy, Animation (July 2024).