Holidays are an ideal therapy

We can all think of vacations as a season for relaxation, rest or enjoyment but the vacations can also be an ideal therapy and especially for the little ones who have passed or have a disease. Experts recommend some very suitable holiday therapies that have many benefits for children.

There are many more examples, such as children suffering from atopic dermatitis, this usually improves in summer thanks to the exposure of the skin to the sun and air. In addition, the sea is a great ally to alleviate this disorder to some extent, the combination between salt water and sun rays has a true anti-inflammatory effect.

They are also recommended if the child has suffered a severe winter and spring in terms of common disorders of the time, such as colds, tonsillitis, otitis, etc. These types of problems are suffered more by children living in large cities, which are particularly affected in part by environmental pollution, due to the levels of dust in suspension that are much higher. Given this type of case, it is best to go on vacation to the beach, the sun's rays and dry air clear nose and bronchial tubes and in general the mucous membranes and everything that concerns the respiratory system are relieved.

We remember a family member of ours who told us that he had asthma, at that time, many years ago, a prestigious doctor advised his parents that he should change the weather, he lived in Catalonia and the climate being more humid directly affected his bronchi. They went to live in Tangier, after a few years, he had been cured of his asthma.

There are many kinds of asthma, in the case of our relative was cured, specialists sometimes recommend changing to dry and sunny climates that favor an improvement of the disease. But it all depends on what the asthma produces, so going to the pediatrician and finding out about the most suitable place to spend the holidays is good advice, since you will achieve two goals, improve your child's health and enjoy a well-deserved vacation.

Video: Dr Michael McClung discusses bone drug holidays (July 2024).