England bans junk food in schools

This is good news for the children of that country, the English government prohibits all kinds of junk food in school canteens and at the same time, in these dining rooms they must ensure that they provide students with at least two servings of fruit and vegetables at each meal. They will also have to regularly provide quality blue fish and meat.

It is important that the government of a country is involved in food health issues, especially in children, these measures will help alleviate the rates of overweight and obesity in the future. In the same way that England has done, the governments of other countries should be involved to ensure the health of the population. These new rules will come into force next year and will prevent the use of soft drinks with gas, pastries, bag fries, etc., everything that can lead to poor diet to avoid in the future the consequences that would be for children They will be fond of her.

This commitment to improve food must serve as a precedent for other governments to also adopt the same measures, good eating habits are established in children from very young.

This change of the British government to improve infant feeding has been carried out after a television campaign of the well-known chef Jamie Oliver, who demonstrated the harmful effects on learning a bad diet and how more attractive and healthy dishes can be prepared.


Video: Childhood Obesity: Do junk food adverts really influence children? Cancer Research UK (July 2024).