Do not abuse the pregnancy test

The pregnancy test can be somewhat misleading, looking for a positive result when the embryo is still going through a very crucial day is something that many future moms usually do. For this reason, abortion is not considered if it occurs after a positive test result.

There are cases in which a test is positive and after a few days, when the future mother goes to the gynecologist, he tells her that she is not pregnant even though the test was positive. During the first weeks of pregnancy, for no apparent reason, because of natural selection, human evolution and specifically, it is something that has to do with human reproduction, you can lose a pregnancy just conceive it, so it is not good to abuse the information provided by a pregnancy test.

According to statistics, only 3 out of 10 pregnancies reach term, half of the embryos stop their formation before the future mother has her first menstrual delay. 50% of embryos are lost before a pregnancy is ruled, according to specialists this is very normal. The new systems and the rapid diagnosis of a pregnancy test can cause an excited mother to have an unfortunate surprise, so if so, perhaps they should change the test system or at least indicate from what date can do. For a woman to become illusions and after them face a very different reality, it can be a cause of nostalgia and sadness and there is no reason to go through it, since it is something natural that occurs in the biological process of conception.

According to experts, human fertility is imperfect and also, as the age of a woman progresses, it is even more so, said Eduardo Lombardi, president of SAEGRE (Society of Gynecological and Reproductive Endocrinology).

Experts advise calm against the joy that can give a pregnancy test, since hormonal levels can play a trick, so if you have a positive test result, it is good to wait a few days and make sure again.

Video: My Mom Forced Me To Make A Pregnancy Test. I Didn't Want Her To Know! (July 2024).