They condemn a father to two years in jail for shaking his baby and causing cerebral palsy

There are stories that leave me with a horrible horrible body, and this is one of them. The baby, who had only two months, entered last April 12 in the emergency room of the Hospital La Fe in Valencia with a neurological crisis, a cerebral hemorrhage and other injuries, which indicated that he could suffer the known as "shaking syndrome" or shaken baby syndrome.

After investigating the case, yesterday the Valencia Court He sentenced the father to two years in jail for shaking his baby and causing cerebral palsy. However, he has acquitted him of the crime of very serious injuries because he considers that it has not been proven that the father was aware of the injuries that could be caused to the minor.

He has also been imposed prohibition of approaching the child for three years and pay him one compensation of 380,000 euros for the sequels produced.

Despite this, the sentence was more favorable than it could have been. The prosecutor requested a 12-year prison sentence for a crime of very serious injuries, or alternatively 3 years in prison for a crime of reckless injuries.

But as the sentence explains, the man did not act with intent to cause harm, it has not been proven that the father was aware that he could cause significant neurological injuries to the baby when he was shaken, so that "the existence of intent, even by way of chance, in the cause of the child's injuries cannot be concluded" .

What is shaken baby syndrome?

The so-called shaken baby syndrome is a type of brain trauma What happens when a baby is roughly shaken by an adult, and can cause serious consequences, such as suffering a concussion, losing sight, irreparable neurological damage or even death.

The baby's neck muscles are very weak and being unable to hold the head, shaking the baby sharply, the brain moves back and forth and crashes into the walls of the skull being able to cause all kinds of injuries in your brain still immature.

Its prevalence is higher during the first year and the average age is nine months old. Although the shake is not considered violent for an adult, a gentle shake for an adult can be violent for the fragility of a baby.

It is the leading cause of death in cases of traumatic brain injury due to abuse, although there is a controversial study that shows that the symptoms of the shaken baby could also occur in the absence of abuse. That is why it is important to remember that when a baby cries a lot, a lot, which can lead the caregiver to lose his or her nerves, it is better to cry alone or get caught by another person.

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