The strangest water birth in history: she took a bath without knowing she was pregnant and left with a baby

I have always been very incredulous with the deliveries by surprise that happen when a woman gives birth without knowing that she was pregnant, but seeing the multitude of cases that occur, I have no choice but to surrender to the evidence and confirm that it can happen, and more after this incredible case that has already become the strangest water birth in history: she took a bath without knowing she was pregnant, to see if it relieved his stomach ache and went out with a baby.

That day he left work because his belly hurt

I did not know she was pregnant. A week ago he had bleeding as he had been having months ago, and considered the period. Yes it is true that in recent weeks he seemed to have more abdominal discomfort than usual, but he thought it was something he was eating and was feeling bad.

So that day, when he noticed that he had more pain than usual, he asked for permission at work to go home. Already at home, he thought that those abdominal cramps would calm down if you took a hot bath, so he prepared it and got into the water. When he thought about leaving, he saw that he could not, that the pain was increasing, and after a few seconds of discomfort a girl was born.

It was her fourth baby

His name is Angie Hernandez and it's from UTAH, and she was the first one surprised because during pregnancy she didn't have any symptoms that made her think she was expecting her fourth child: every month he had bleeding and did not have to change pants size. In fact, in words to KSL, with his previous daughter, the one who gave birth 20 months ago, he felt each of the contractions, had to strain to breathe properly and felt how the delivery progressed with the passing of the minutes and hours . However, he realized this when he was practically out.

At birth, the baby told her eldest son, 16, to call her boss and her husband to go home. First her boss arrived and shortly after her husband, and they were taken to the hospital to see both of them. Everything went well, and the next day they were already high.

The family did not believe it

After three children given birth in a more habitual way, the family could not believe that they had suddenly had another baby. They thought it was a joke or that he was covering up an unwanted pregnancy of his first child with a girl his age. Finally they had to surrender to the evidence: Angie had just had a baby herself, without anyone's help, in which it will be the biggest surprise, for the whole family, in a long time.

But how could she have the period if she was pregnant?

I didn't have it, because it is impossible to menstruate if you are pregnant. What could have happened is that I had the calls deciduous hemorrhages. These hemorrhages are relatively common in the first trimester of pregnancy (about 30% of women have them), and although they are unlikely from the second trimester, they are not impossible (one in every 200 women continues to bleed until the end of pregnancy ).

These bleeds can be confused with menstruation, but they are not really, because they do not respond to the output of an unfertilized egg, but to the hormonal changes that all women suffer during pregnancy. They are not usually dangerous for the mother or the baby, unless they are abundant and painful, in which case we will no longer be talking about a deciduous hemorrhage, but about bleeding from another cause.

Video: Mom Thinks She's Having Twins, But Drs Quickly Learn She's Making History With Rare Delivery (July 2024).