A 65-year-old woman is pregnant with quadruplets

On more than one occasion we have talked about women with the age of being grandmothers, or who are already grandmothers, who have decided to have children and have achieved it because, it is already known: "paying, San Pedro sings". The most flagrant case (for me), one of the most famous, was Carmen Bousada, a woman who gave birth to twins at 67 and died 3 years later, fulfilling one of the forecasts that nobody would have wanted but many they predicted: "at that age, what will happen to the twins if their mother lacks them?"

Well, now many will say the same thing again because a 65-year-old German woman is pregnant with quadruplets. Her name is Annegret Raugnik, she already has 13 children and has been a grandmother seven times. And despite having such an extended family, he decided to undergo an artificial insemination treatment to be a mother again.

Annegret is an English and Russian teacher, and in case the pregnancy thrives properly she will become the longest-lived quadruplet mother in the world.

Your daughter asked for a little brother or sister

It is very likely that you are all asking yourself this question right now. Why does a woman who already has thirteen children and 7 grandchildren want to be a mother again? Well, it seems that the answer is his youngest daughter, 9 years old, who apparently he asked his mother, a year and a half ago, a little brother or sister.

And the mother, neither short nor lazy, and perhaps because she lost her fear of being an elderly mother with that daughter, who was born when she was 55 years old and then was already news for it, goes and says yes, and begins The whole process to achieve a pregnancy.

Couldn't I say no?

I do not know the answer. Well, I do. Of course I could say no: "Honey, I know you're the little one, but you have 12 older brothers and when we had you I was already very old. You can't have a little brother or sister, but luckily you have a lot of nephews with those who enjoy and play, and even do with them older sister. "

But no. The woman decided to say yes and now, with 65 years, it turns out that wait for four babies, which are the four ovules that were implanted. At the advice of her gynecologist to reject three of the babies and stay alone with one, the woman said no, that she was not able to do something like that. This, it seems, is something that has been done when fertility treatments resulted in multiple pregnancies (two years ago we commented) and I always think the same: how to choose something like that? How many abortions? Which abortions? Come on, that I would also be unable to do so.

This year he retires

The teacher, mother and grandmother he retires this year and apparently he doesn't have much problem with the issue of his age and what others will say. He says he is not afraid to be a mother of quadruplets because He is in good health and is in good shape.

In this sense, one always uses the energy argument: does this woman have the energy to raise four creatures, at 65? Most likely, no, but we just said it, it has 13 children and 7 grandchildren, so the family is not lacking. Surely those four children will be raised by all at once (hopefully, come on).

Video: 55 Year Old Gives Birth To Triplets. Strange Pregnancies Documentary. Real Families (July 2024).