Sara Carbonero gives birth in a scheduled delivery and the media seems so normal

She is not the first, nor will she be the last famous pregnant woman who decides to schedule her birth to give birth to the day that is best for her, or that is best for the couple. In fact, his first son was born that way, programming the day that everyone was doing well, as Shakira did at the time, and Pilar Rubio, another famous married to a footballer.

Well, yesterday his second son was born at the Ruber clinic in Madrid and although little should matter to others how they decide to give birth to the famous (and really any woman who chooses that option), yes we should worry that in the media, explain yourself as if it were the most normal thing in the world, without affecting It is a very little recommended practice.

Why celebrities can schedule their births

Programming the day your child will be born is something that Only those who pay for the service are allowed, either for being famous, or for going to private clinics, because in public health this is only done when it is considered that there may be some risk to the baby or the mother and it is better to cause the delivery or perform a caesarean section.

In the case of Sara Carbonero, as we read in OKDiario, I had already left accounts but the baby seemed not to want to leave yet. As the father, Iker Casillas, I wanted to be present at the birth and is summoned for the European Championship that starts on June 10, they decided that it would be better to have it now.

To announce the arrival of the little one Luke, Sara posted this photo on Instagram today:

Welcome to our world, Lucas! We met you yesterday and you can't make us happier. #viviresincreible # yasomos4 # Veráscuandoconozcasatuhermanomayor

A photo posted by Sara Carbonero (@saracarbonero) on Jun 3, 2016 at 1:50 PDT

And what is the problem with inducing labor?

Well, it's not the baby who is born when he's ready to do it, but the doctors who are "born" when they consider that it can already be born.

Sara had left accounts, but accounts are standard for all women. It is said that a baby is full term from week 37, but it is also until week 42, and between one date and another there is nothing less than 5 weeks apart! At that time a baby can gain up to a kilo.

Having passed the due date, the problem is less, because it was probably 40 weeks, however it is still what we say: there are babies born in the 42nd week and even some in the 43rd (few, because normally intervenes before), and is still skip the moment the baby was scheduled to be born.

On the other hand, since it is a provoked, induced, and not a birth that originates spontaneously, the risk of instrumentalization is higher, as there are more interventions. When giving birth, synthetic oxytocin is administered, which produces contractions that are usually more intense and painful, being very few women who can opt for a delivery in the position they prefer, having to put on the epidural to withstand the pain.

In addition, being an unnatural birth, being caused when the body was not yet to give birth, the risk of having to use a suction cup and forceps is greater, as well as the risk of failure of these methods to end in caesarean section, which is also greater (and even because many babies do not withstand the contractions of synthetic oxytocin well and do bradycardia, which is when the pulse drops them more than recommended).

And how was Sara Carbonero's second baby born? You are right, by caesarean section. Although we do not venture to say if it was after a failed induction or was done directly.

Therefore, WHO is clear about this when it recalls that:

No geographic region should have an index of induced labor greater than 10%. Induction of labor should be limited to certain medical indications.

And of course, that your husband is days away from participating in a European Championship is not a medical indication and that is why this birth responds only to the parents' desire.

Let them do what they want for that is your baby

I say the same as at the beginning: let them do whatever they want (in fact, they have already done so), because after all they are their children and their births, and I understand that they assume the risks of giving birth in that way.

But again we comment because we believe it is worth showing why it is better to wait for the baby to be born on the day it is prepared for it, and through a birth that originates spontaneously, when the woman's body is prepared for it.

And what do the media say?

Any. They tell it as if it were the most normal, and that is the thing to avoid, that normalize something that is not desirable in the future of a pregnancy.

In the same OKDiario we read this:

The journalist entered the clinic accompanied by Iker Casillas. The baby was born by scheduled birth for a reason. Sara was already fulfilled, but sometimes babies make themselves wait a week or a few more days. Iker wanted to be with Sara in childbirth, - but being summoned for the European Championship and starting on June 10 -, there was a possibility that he could not be present at that long-awaited moment.

In Hello, the following:

Touch to congratulate them! Sara Carbonero and Iker Casillas have been parents of their second child, a child born in Madrid named Lucas. The birth has been attended by Dr. Elena Carrillo de Albornoz in a scheduled delivery and the child has reached the world by caesarean section, as happened with his older brother, Martín.

And in Vanitatis they say it like this:

As Vanitatis has been able to confirm, Lucas Casillas Carbonero was born around 20:30 hours and arrived in the world after performing a cesarean section to the journalist, as happened with the birth of Martin (...) The goalkeeper played a friendly against Korea on Wednesday , but both Thursday and Friday the players had the day off. Therefore, so that the goalkeeper of the Red could be present, the birth was scheduled for this Thursday.

Well, that. You see The most normal thing in the world ...

Photos | Sara Carbobero's Instagram
In Babies and more | Being born in week 37 is not the same as being born in 42, Greater risk in children born in week 37 than in 40, Let the baby decide when to be born

Video: Iker Casillas & Sara Carbonero: very nice kiss scenes. Casillas 's wife (July 2024).