Dads and moms blogs: not being able to accompany your hospitalized baby, diaper operation and more

As every week, we take a tour of the blogosphere to review what has been published in recent days in the moms and dads blogs.

In And do you really have three?, Vanesa, a very special quarter, tells us about the sadness that it produces. Leave your baby in neonates and not be able to accompany him. Few things are so distressing for parents, and certainly nothing beneficial for babies who need to be accompanied. Some hospitals are changing this assistance model, but a change is necessary now.

In RealkiddysAlba, educator and mother, makes us reflect on gender education with this question: Didn't girls read before the “rosification” of books? . A very interesting point of view on toys, books, video games and children's entertainment objects that seem only made for children.

The unfortunate events of yesterday in Brussels has caused children to ask us questions that shrink our souls and that parents can hardly explain. Mom also knows It reflects in Mom, what happens to humanity?

Mili, author of Upa for two He tells us how his motherhood lives crazy. A motherhood, relaxed, free, without obsessions or princess dresses. A post with which some (I don't look at anyone) will feel identified.

Mommy runner He tells us about his Smurf's diaper operation. She feels desperate and seeks advice. Do you help her? It is a moment that may seem hopeless, but that ends up happening. Patience and encouragement.

And finally, if you travel with children these days, from Beyond pink or blue We propose 5 games to make traveling with babies and children easier.

We hope you have found interesting the review we have done today for the parents and moms blogs. And we remind you that if you have a blog where you talk about your experience as fathers or mothers and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look at it for future weekly reviews.

Video: Toddler Broken Leg, Cast, & Recovery cute 7 week summary (May 2024).