An angry businesswoman decides to pump her milk in the air after 14 hours in an endless meeting

Mothers who breastfeed and work have a problem that must be solved periodically: breast milk production does not stop because you are working and every few hours may need pump out a little milk to avoid breast engorgement.

A breast engorgement is what happens when the milk that is produced is not extracted, stored in excess, appearing hard and painful areas that can lead to fever even if the thing goes further, so a businesswoman did not hesitate to finish taking the milk anywhere, even wetting the rest of the members of a meeting, after repeatedly asking them to take a break, for 14 hours, and will not take place.

They decided that no rest would be done

It happened in Ukraine. The meeting was getting endless and there seemed to be no signs that it was going to end, so after asking for an active and passive break, he chose to ease the congestion by pumping milk right there.

As we read on BluRadio, the woman does not stop saying that she can no longer, that she wants to go home and make a break, stop the meeting to continue another day.

Apparently, during the 14 hours they had been meeting, the response was always negative: nothing rest. Of course, the poor woman could no longer. Not only tiredness and knowing that you have a baby at home waiting for her mother and her milk, is that she should have breasts about to burst. And as much as he asked them to stop, the answer was always the same.

A pity that nobody respected his situation

What do you want me to tell you? There are people who do not understand the gesture of this woman, but I do. I can't take it anymore, I have to go, I'm tired, I have a baby to breastfeed when I get home and tonight a few awake me. Meanwhile, I keep asking for a break and you deny it to me. My breasts are going to burst, so if you don't want to understand what it is to be a mother, you'll understand it that way.

Maybe it would have been more logical to leave. A "there you stay that I can not do more", but it is possible that he could not do it and that he could only leave if the meeting ended.

Come on, that I in his situation would not only have done the same, but that the same even gives me to point them in the face.

What would you have done?

Video: The Search For Grog. Critical Role One-Shot (July 2024).