The video of less than 2 minutes showing the horrible effect of drugs on newborns

A few days ago Eva offered us an excellent entry in which she reviewed what are the effects of drug use in pregnancy and how they affect the baby and that is why I will not extend much in them. However, I do want to share with you all a very short video, of just 100 seconds, in which what can happen in case of drug use is summarized quite graphically. Come on, that the first 5 seconds are able to remove the hiccups to any father and any mother.

Watch the baby's legs tremble

He is a newborn and He was born already drugged and dependent on the same drugs his mother used, according to the video, opioid substances. And he is not the only one, because we live in a society modeled to create unhappy people. Unhappy to promote the pursuit of happiness through external things, which in most cases is usually the consumption of material goods, but that sometimes results in the consumption of substances that alter a reality that each day costs more to live some people.

That is why in the last 10 years they have been born in the United States 130,000 babies addicted to drugs and that is why the number of births per year will increase. And the danger, as you see in the video, is not only that of being born dependent, but that of not being properly cared for, of not having a life with a clear future, with parents who are probably not able to get you ahead, or being able to even die, as in the case of a mother in the video who, while drugged, could not realize that was choking her baby while they slept together.

By the way, like many of you, I also thought that the video had accelerated so that the movements of the legs were more exaggerated. It's not like that. As you can see in this Reuters article, video speed is real.

Here a video with more footage ... although what you will see is basically the same:

Video | AJ +
In Babies and more | What happens to the sperm of men who use marijuana ?, How to improve male fertility ?, Effects of hard drugs on the fetus

Video: What Actually Happens When You Have An Abortion? (July 2024).