Highlights in Babies and more: July 6-12

Already released in July, today as every week we review by the most outstanding contents that we have published in Babies and more in the last seven days, so you don't miss any detail.

We begin with two shocking stories, the touching confession of a homosexual boy and his fears and uncertainties towards his future. And the image of a child studying in the light of a McDonald's that became viral and has probably changed his future forever.

We continue with a beautiful campaign in favor of respect for pregnant women, "get up for a pregnant woman", a campaign that has not left anyone indifferent.

Another article that caught our attention, the average time of breastfeeding in the world is 4.2 years. Incredible true? You also can not miss this entertaining article about four reasons why women should not breastfeed in public.

We have been stunned by the news from the Dominican Republic in which all alarms have been triggered, since most women are unable to give birth on their own.

And now that the travel season is coming, if you are going to travel by plane with your baby you cannot miss the article about how old the babies can fly and their advice, nor this one, where we give you some tips to take pictures of your children.

And you know that summer is not free of dangers, we have told you many times and we will not stop doing it, because in the water the best safety measure is not to take your eyes off them and keep them at arm's length.

And we end with a funny video on the face that babies put on when they poop and a series of pictures of baby faces that look like emoticons, don't miss it.

We hope that with this review you will not miss anything and this week we have prepared many more interesting contents. In seven days we will return with a new summary of Babies highlights and more. Have a happy week!

Video: This Week's Highlights - July 31, 2009 (July 2024).