Facebook returns to the streets and censors for "pornography" this photo of a birth

For a long time, Facebook devoted itself almost indiscriminately to censor and block any photo in which a breast or even a nipple came out. Nor that the photo was of a woman breastfeeding, blocked it equally. Over time, and I suppose that because he received many complaints, he finally decided to consider breastfeeding as something natural and stopped accepting complaints about photographs of women breastfeeding.

But it seems that not everything natural seems good and Facebook has returned to the streets censoring this photo of a birth. They do not censor it because it is a very intimate moment, because there is some blood or because it is a baby being born, they censor it for "pornography", which is the last straw.

Do you really think it's pornographic?

I can imagine Adelaide, the photographer who took the photo, responding to her friends, to the question of "What are you going to do today?", A "I'm going to record a porn movie and take pictures of what is happening." His friends with wide-eyed eyes, surprised, asking again: "But you didn't take pictures of births, babies and things like that?" and she nodding as she says "Well, I'm going to do that".

And it is that on Facebook there should not be a section of censorship for "vision of vulva" in the image or "image that can hurt the sensitivity of the viewer" (although I do not think that this photo had to be censored for this reason) , so Direct the photo to the "pornography" section because you see a vulva. And yes, of course it is seen, but that is where we spend the majority at birth, even those who make social networks possible, and even those who are dedicated to censor these images.

I see a baby being born there, compressed by the narrow passage that opens the doors of an immense world, about to be held by hands that seem to simply wait, without intervening (no cuts or wounds are seen in the perineum). An intense moment, an incredible moment, for being the first seconds of his life, an immortalized moment that mother and son will remember all their lives.

Finally, the child is born and leaves his mother's womb to live in this great world. Finally free. Or maybe he was freer before when he was inside his mother's belly, With no one to say that being born is pornographic?

Video: Borelli: I lost my job thanks to Facebooks censorship (July 2024).