Is it wrong for children to miss class for going on vacation with their family?

It turns out that you have organized a great family trip that for work reasons, you can only do a week in which children have school. What do we do, we miss the opportunity to spend a profitable family vacation or do we miss school for a few days? What if they fined you?

A British mother has seen herself in the dilemma and has chosen the second option. The one that has cost him a fine of 77 euros for losing a week of class to his daughter to take her on vacation to Ibiza. It seems absurd to me, and more when I tell you the whole story, but the question I ask myself is, Is it wrong for children to miss class for going on vacation with their family?

Match school vacations

In the society in which we live it is very difficult to reconcile family and work life, and if we also talk about family vacations in which we have to combine school vacations with those of both parents, it is easier to make bobbin lace.

Even more complicated is if you live in the United Kingdom as Michelle Smith, a 34-year-old travel agent, who had planned to travel to the island during the Easter holidays with her four children, but on days off at Amelia's 12-year-old school. years, they did not match those of his brothers.


The problem is that in that country each school is free to choose their own vacation days, so even if they are cabbages from the same town, the days without class can be very different between one and the other. Thus, with four children, it is practically impossible to find free days in common for everyone.

Similar examples are given in other countries, such as in Germany (Mama in Munich tells us about the inconvenience she has with school holidays), since there each federated state establishes its own holiday periods.

My experience

I tell you my own experience that I think can serve as an example. As you may know, I have three Spanish daughters, but both my husband and I were born in Argentina and we have a large family there (grandparents, uncles, cousins, more cousins, nephews, etc.).

We try to travel every year, but when you can't do it every two or at most three years (we don't like to spend more time because girls grow up too fast). As you can imagine, the logistics to organize it is tremendous and it is an expensive trip to do it for a week. As my husband cannot take too many days together in summer, which is when girls have more freedom for school vacations, we take advantage of the Easter holidays or Christmas to which we add some 9-10 days missing class.

Prior to the trip, I talk to each other's tutors and if necessary, reinforcements are taken to catch up. But come on, the school has always behaved very well and they have understood that it is a very important trip for my daughters who live far from their family and they need to fully enjoy those days once a year, hopefully.

But missing school is not right

It is true that each case is a world and if we are going to justify each one, there would be no children in the classrooms. This in a country like Spain where school absenteeism reaches 28%, double that registered in the OECD, seems to do apology, but that is not.

Whenever it is done within logical parameters, with common sense and responsibility, when there is no option to do it on other dates, in my opinion a vacation knowing the world in the company of the family They can be much more profitable than a week of school.

What do you think? How do you organize family vacations? Do you think it is wrong for children to miss class for going on vacation with their family?

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