Babies who regurgitate: better sleep on your side

Recently we saw that the best position to sleep the baby was on its side or on its back, and that to avoid deformations in the head, it is best to divide the time that the baby sleeps in the three positions. But nevertheless, when the baby has frequent regurgitation, it is best that, while sleeping, do it sideways, alternating support on the right and left side.

This is because regurgitation could block the airways if the baby is on his back, and what we would notice right away if we are awake could go unnoticed during the night and we could not incorporate the baby and help him expel the regurgitated fluid.

When they are babies (and taking into account that regurgitations subside over time), we can take advantage of their frequent awakenings to feed to change the support side of each occasion. Sloped to the right and left, when regurgitating it is easier for the liquid to come out fired and scroll out.

The face-up posture is perfect for when he is awake and we can monitor him, because if he regurgitates in that case we can see him and act if necessary. Nor should we forget to turn it upside down for a while to play when awake.

In this way, he will keep all his muscles active and his little head will not suffer because he is always lying in the same way in these first months of life, when he still cannot be incorporated or hold his head alone.

Video: Pediatric Advice : How Do I Treat Infant Reflux? (July 2024).