Price differences between toys

There are many who have already bought the food that will be served at Christmas, we know that the closer the days indicated, the more expensive they will cost us. Something similar happens with toys and as our partner Dolores says, you have to save on the purchase of Christmas toys.

The Valencian Association of Consumers and Users (Avacu) has carried out a study comparing the prices of almost one hundred toys in eleven different establishments, and although generally the price differences range between 4 and 10 euros, differences have been found in the same toy, of almost 40 euros.

These days in which we have gone to various shops to make our purchases in advance, it has been the proof that people begin to be aware of the abuse of the merchants, the establishments were crowded, and many of the empty shelves. Then we find the advertising hooks, "3 x 2", "discount vouchers", "gifts or discounts for purchases over a certain amount of money", etc. They also conquer many parents with the amenities they offer, such as the reservation of toys, home delivery, etc.

Even so, we must pay special attention to whether we compensate their offer, because what may be good for some is not so much for others. Something that should not be forgotten in any case is the purchase ticket and know the period of changes or returns they provide, as it will guarantee that we can make, if necessary, the appropriate claims.

If you have not made your purchases yet, we recommend that you do not wait any longer if you do not want merchants to prevent you from enjoying your Christmas pay.