Recommendations for healthy eating in children

The Department of Pediatrics of the USP Institut Universitari Dexeus of Barcelona gives us a series of recommendations for healthy eating that allows to prevent one of the evils that affects our society, overweight and obesity.

This department informs us of the importance of making a meal with the necessary time, that is, slowly and always chewing well. We must teach our children how to eat. Sometimes, for the desire to go to watch a program on TV or because after eating he will play a new game or because a friend has come, the child rushes to eat. The consequence is that it does not chew well and results in heavy digestion, since it is more expensive for the digestive system to perform the digestion.

The food must consist of a first course, a second and dessert and we must always ensure that the whole set is balanced. Alternate a main course with a softer one. It is necessary to stimulate in the children the consumption of fruits, since they suppose a beneficial contribution of nutrients and vitamins for their adequate development. As we have said on occasion, it is also advisable to consume homemade snacks and try to dispense with pastries and prepared foods that provide excessive fat to the child and promote obesity or overweight.

Consume products that are not very fatty like chicken or rabbit and always combining the days of the week so that the contribution of fish, whether white or blue, is more abundant. The number of minimum meals that a child should make is four and the established schedules must always be respected, snack between meals is also not recommended and you should try to avoid this action.

The dishes must present a single nutritive element, for example, a pasta dish where cheese and meat also intervene add up to a total of three nutritional elements and it must be taken into account that it is a strong meal with which the Other meals should be much lighter. Sometimes it seems difficult to make an appropriate combination, but there are nutritional tables that teach us about the appropriate and complete combinations.

Calorie drinks are not recommended for children, we must substitute them for much healthier drinks such as the consumption of fruit juice, although it is true that it is preferable to take a piece of fruit to snacks. But positions to choose between caloric drink and a fruit juice, the choice is obvious.

The cooking of food should be grilled or boiled, as they are much healthier for the body and harmful fats are not released. This does not mean that they cannot be fried, but in addition to being sporadically, they always have to be with little oil and preferably olive.

These and many more tips can be found on the website of the Department of Pediatrics of the USP Institut Universitari Dexeus, they are practical, realistic and appropriate tips for your child to develop in an optimal way.

Video: How to Create a Healthy Plate (July 2024).