Discover your fears through drawing

Frequently, drawings and doodles translate the personality traits of the child that he cannot express with other nonverbal signs or through language. This is what happens with fears, which are manifested when they can freely give their imagination to a blank paper and a few colored pencils: fear of their parents separating or abandoning them, going to school, aggressive behavior, darkness, ghosts ...

This book is about the various fears and anxieties that all children experience during their first years of life and that they will overcome before reaching adulthood if we allow them to manifest them openly, without overwhelming them with logical reasoning.

The essential thing is that parents pay attention to their messages and enhance their emotional intelligence through a comprehensive and supportive attitude. With simple language and numerous illustrations, the children's own work, the authors explain how to capture in their drawings and doodles the things that scare them, and propose various strategies to help them overcome them.

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128 pages | Oniro editions | ISBN: 84-9754-169-3

Video: A Simple Test Will Reveal Your Deepest Fear (July 2024).