Boy or girl?

A truly exciting secret during pregnancy is to know the sex of our baby. This mystery is not revealed until week 20 thanks to an ultrasound, but the reality is quite different, sex is already determined from the moment of fertilization.

Generally parents want to know the sex of their future child before birth, many do not care if it is a boy or girl, although knowing it is always good, because we can prepare the room, the basket and even discard 50% of the names We had thought.

Truly, what matters most to us is not sex, but born healthy, and a child, be boy or girl It is always the most beautiful. Chance is the one who decides sex when the sperm meets the ovum and the union of gametes occurs. Every organism is based on the cell, when they divide, the nucleus that is formed by chromatin, is fragmented into chromosomes, which are the ones that contain the genetic information, during this division each chromosome doubles longitudinally. We have 46 chromosomes grouped into 23 pairs and in each pair there is one that is contributed by the father and another by the mother.

Spermatozoon and ovule are the only cells in the body that have these 23 famous chromosomes, of all the chromosomes only one is the one that determines whether it is a boy or a girl. In the first four weeks of life, in sight, the baby is exactly the same whether male or female, since it has an identical genital outline for both sexes, the only thing it has is a pair of glands called gonads and a double pair of ducts

Nowadays you can choose the sex of the children in a laboratory, although you can only choose in severe cases of hereditary diseases that are linked to sex. There are several techniques, one of them is the separation of the semen, which consists, as its name indicates, in separating the sperm, since the male chromosome is lighter than the female, with the centrifugation technique, the sperm Y (which they are the masculine ones) they remain at the top, because they weigh less. Although the success rate is 60%.

You can also make a selection of embryos in a genetic laboratory, it is one of the most effective techniques. It consists of the pre-implantation diagnosis that is made once the embryo has reached the outbreak of the eight cells. It is possible to extract one of these cells and perform a genetic study to determine their sex. In this way, only the embryo of the desired sex is implanted in the mother's womb.

The issue of sex choice brings a lot of controversy, and it is not surprising, in our opinion, it would only be acceptable if there were a medical problem.

Video: Baby BOY or GIRL? Funny Gender Reveals Fails and Pranks! (July 2024).