A 2-year-old girl dies of meningitis B and her parents publish her sick photo as a protest for not having been vaccinated

The meningitis B It is a disease caused by the meningococcus B bacteria that, depending on age, can be life-threatening, or dangerous for leaving important sequelae in children. It is a disease that can be prevented with the meningitis B vaccine, which in Spain is not without controversy because of its price and because it is very difficult to achieve it.

But not only here: in the United Kingdom, the health system vaccinates all babies between 2 and 5 months of age free of charge, and this leaves children like Faye Burdett, two years old, who passed away on the 14th, and whose parents have decided to publish their sick photo as a protest for not having been vaccinated.

Faye's story

I tell you so that you know the disease, but it is quite terrible. As told from DailyMail, Faye's parents, residents of Maidstone, Kent, saw that something was wrong when they saw a strange eruption on the forehead of the girl. They took her to the emergency room, where she got worse to the point of having to be transferred to the Evelina Children's Hospital in London. Already on the move the girl suffered a cardiac arrest, which could be recovered so that Faye could continue fighting, while trying to help her.

As the days went by it seemed that the girl was recovering a little, but there was a complication that can occur when meningitis B is suffered: a sepsis, which is a kind of general intoxication of the body caused by the toxic compounds of the body itself when there is an important infection.

To try to save it they chose to remove the most affected parts, and his leg and arm were amputated, but it was still getting worse. Then the couple had to discuss between two options, a life or death operation, or do nothing and let what had to happen happen.

They opted for this second option, so that the girl left in peace, without more suffering, and at nine o'clock on the night of the 14th Faye fell asleep forever. Eleven days, only eleven days from the beginning to the end.

And they decided to share the photo and create a signature collection

Now the couple has decided that they should share the photo and the story to raise awareness about this disease, its danger, and to campaign for the meningitis B vaccine to be administered not only to small babies, but also to more children. greater.

In addition, they have created a platform to collect signatures that already have more than 300,000 signatures, whose goal is to ask the UK government to Not only vaccinate the little ones, but all children up to 11 years of age, since all the children who are not vaccinated by the health system are at the expense of their parents buying the vaccine or not.

Luck that they at least vaccinate newborns

And of course, we see this here, from Spain, and we can only say that "at least there are vaccinated newborns until 5 months", because here or that. Here we have to buy the parents, paying the € 106.15 that each dose costs (4 are needed in babies), and that if we get it, since the distribution is stopped due to stock breakage.

A terrible story of a terrible disease that, remember, in Spain affects about 400-600 people every year. Seen like this, there are not many, but 10% do not survive the disease and the rest have a high risk of having more or less important neurological sequelae.

Video: Noam Chomsky & Paul Farmer on Haiti - MIT 2002 Tech Culture Forum (July 2024).