Avis promotes road safety between children and their families

Any initiative that has to do with be more responsible in driving vehicles I find it of total interest. For example, I think it is very important that in addition to the classes necessary to approve the driving license, additional driving lessons are offered in difficult situations and especially that much emphasis is placed on those that refer to transporting minors in the vehicle. Therefore, the initiative of Avis Budget Group, which is part of the Avis Mobility Plan and carried out in collaboration with Fundtrafic, I think it's necessary and I congratulate you for it.

The goal was for families to learn more about road safety with theoretical and practical workshops, driving simulators for the elderly and cooperation games for children and adults. Avis Budget Group believes that prevention and awareness of Road safety It is essential to promote trust and cooperation between adults and children with the aim of promoting safe behavior on the road. On the day, families were able to have a great time and learn with the following activities:

Workshops for children. We worked on a theoretical workshop where, through audiovisual techniques, some relevant points on road safety were discussed. In addition a Mobile road safety park in which the children acted as pedestrians and climbed into different tricycles also becoming drivers for a day. The smallest assistants were able to learn how to cross the street safely and how important it is to be alert whether walking, tricycle or driving a car.

Trust and cooperation games between parents and children: Different initiatives were organized focused on promoting the relationship between adults and children. Among other activities, the attendees played the gunman, the game of statues, puppets, human billiards or relay races, actions where the most important thing was not to win but to reach the goal together.

Activities for adults: for them a driving simulator to promote safe behavior at the wheel in addition to other activities aimed at encouraging better communication in the workplace both internally and externally.

Initiatives to raise awareness about physical and sensory disabilities. Different actions were included such as displacement in Wheelchair or the guide, in which the father or the mother with the blindfold were guided by their children. This activity aimed to bring participants closer to the daily life of people with disabilities.

Activities for children under 4 years. The little ones had animators who organized different activities such as parachutes, face painting and others aimed at adults and children enjoying together.

Congratulations to Avis Budget Group for the initiative. I think the kids and their families would learn a lot to be more responsible on the road with the vehicles. We remind you that Avis is one of the leading car rental services companies through its Avis and Budget brands, with 10,000 rental offices in 175 countries worldwide. In addition, they also have Zip Car, one of the leading car sharing companies.

Video: Traffic Safety Info for Parents with Newborns to Booster Seats (July 2024).