A 13-year-old British boy just became a father

When I thought that nothing could surprise me, this news reached my eyes.

A 13-year-old British boy has had a son and by the way he has achieved the (dubious) honor of being one of the youngest parents in the United Kingdom.

Alfie Patten who, let me put it, seems even less than he is and his girlfriend Chatelle Steadman, 15, decided to move forward with the pregnancy upon hearing the news, even though they were afraid of their parents' reaction.

"I thought it would be nice to have a baby"Alfie said about it. Chatelle, the baby's mother, acknowledged that "We know we made a mistake, but right now it would not change anything, we will be good parents". Alfie's father commented that his son "has not yet assimilated" what happened and regretted that "He doesn't know the responsibility of bringing a baby into the world".

I can't agree more with him, honestly. If many current fathers and mothers, despite having children in their thirties, affirm that they do not feel physically or emotionally prepared to take care of their babies, how will a 13-year-old boy who is still financially and emotionally dependent on his parents?

He added that his son "I could have shrugged and stayed at home playing the Playstation but was in the hospital every day".

Chatelle's mother, whose husband is unemployed, said that "We already have five children to feed, so Maisie is going to be a great economic responsibility, but we are a family and we will get ahead together."

Video: The Sun - Dad At 13 Interview - Alfie Patten and Chantelle Steadman (July 2024).