Nine changes that (almost certainly) you will notice in pregnancy

In no way are we sick and for some women, however, pregnancy is a most normal stage in their life. But what few women get rid of is to appreciate these nine changes in pregnancy. Some more desirable than others, our body is revolutionized and the pregnancy hormone along with a whole process of preparation to receive the baby transform not only our body, but also our way of feeling and thinking.

Most changes almost "guaranteed" throughout pregnancy are physical, but there are also emotions that you probably feel, new and unknown, sometimes very exciting, but not always pleasant. And you, Have you felt or are you noticing these nine changes in pregnancy?

Sleep changes

One of the first symptoms of pregnancy and that will last at least the entire first trimester is that the woman feels more tired and drowsy. However, from the second trimester and especially when the final stretch of pregnancy approaches, it is common to suffer disorders in the opposite direction, since it seems impossible to find the posture and sleep at a stretch, undesirable snoring, nightmares appear ... a lot of patience and the help of relaxation, cushions, naps ... we will try to reach the end of pregnancy as rested as possible.

Skin changes

During pregnancy we will observe increased skin pigmentation and, sometimes, the appearance of the dreaded chloasma (especially in the face), acne and stretch marks (especially in the belly). One way to prevent these changes is to maintain good daily hygiene, especially on the face, apply adequate sun protection and stay hydrated inside and out.


Nausea and vomiting, why me?

Nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning, are very common in pregnant women. They happen especially in the first trimester, but they are likely to appear in the second or third, even to accompany us throughout the pregnancy, until the moment of delivery. Some women find it easier to cope with nausea, while for others it becomes unbearable. Anyway, we remind you of some natural remedies to keep nausea controlled.

The toilet, please?

During pregnancy it is likely that you do not lose sight of the bathrooms, not only because of the nausea we have just mentioned, but also because of the urge to urinate. And it is that at this stage the need and frequency of urination increases, especially in the third trimester, when our bladder is increasingly oppressed. It also increases the volume of fluids in the woman's body and the kidneys hurry to eliminate the substances we don't need. Everything is combined so that, among other things, the woman has to get up more frequently at night, which contributes to the bad rest of which we have spoken at the beginning. Another issue that is likely to affect you is the involuntary loss of urine. To prevent them and prevent other postpartum problems, do not forget to practice Kegel exercises for the pelvic floor.

Constipation and hemorrhoids

As well as nausea, constipation and hemorrhoids are the most common digestive discomfort in pregnancy. They are a consequence of changes in bowel movements and circulation problems. To try to avoid them, you should follow a diet rich in fiber, drink plenty of water and exercise regularly.

Changes in the breasts of the pregnant woman

Discomfort and changes in breasts during pregnancy are normal, and usually begin to be noticed from the beginning of pregnancy, as one of the first symptoms. In the first weeks it is usual to feel tightness, tenderness, tingling, swelling ... Other changes may be in the pigmentation of the nipple and areola, the appearance of blue veins ... As pregnancy progresses, and as preparation for breastfeeding, the breasts increase in size and colostrum may appear before delivery. Both this fact and feeling some pain in the breasts is absolutely normal, we do not have to worry.

Where are my ankles? Swelling of feet

Swelling of feet and ankles It is not worrying, work everything if we are in the last months of pregnancy and it is a hot time. Few are pregnant women who get rid of these symptoms in summer. This edema is due to circulation problems (the cardiovascular system is one of the most modified during pregnancy) and sometimes also manifests in the legs with varicose veins. To prevent these consequences of an increasingly expensive circulation in the extremities, it is advisable to avoid tight clothes and shoes, not stand for a long time, rest with your legs elevated, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly ...

Back pains

For many pregnant women, back pain is common. They appear mainly at the end of pregnancy, when the belly is already very bulky and the pregnant woman adopts a different position than usual. Some tips for avoid back pain in pregnancy they are: exercise and stretching, sitting on chairs with straight backs, avoiding heavy loads, not spending much time standing, maintaining good posture, using a mattress that is not too soft ...

Happiness, doubts, fear, anxiety ... Whirlwind of emotions

If so far we have talked about mostly physical changes, it is undeniable that with pregnancy the woman will also experience a spiral of emotions. There are changes of a psychological nature, which can vary from the happiness of the first trimester to anxiety, irritability ... What will not be missing are the most common fears of the pregnant woman, such as the fear of losing the baby and that the delivery is complicated, to not perform the tests well, fears about the economic and employment situation, the pain of contractions, fear of not knowing how to identify the needs of the baby and doubts about how to deal with the needs of the newborn ... As pregnancy progresses the Baby starts to be the center of all thoughts. Anyway, a whole range of sensations that, perhaps, culminate with a totally unknown and that will catch us forever: the sudden crush of our baby when he is finally with us, or the first look of love of our baby.

As we see, many changes involve real inconvenience, but perhaps the key is to cope with them in the best possible way, with the support of the couple, family and friends and with the remedies that we have advised. Especially to be healthy (in body and mind) the best recommendation is to perform physical activity on a regular basis.

Anyway, these are nine changes that you will most likely experience if you are pregnant, and it is that body and mind are revolutionized since fertilization takes place and since the pregnancy test gives us the good news until, finally, the baby is born: the one that will change our life forever.

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